We've had a rough week at the Magnuson house.
We enjoyed a fun dinner last Sunday night with the Mihalovich family, in town from Kansas City.
Monday night I woke up at midnight and got sick...and proceeded to get up and get sick every hour during the entire night. Neil came home from work early Tuesday feeling rotten. Our savior, Day (my dad), came to help with Wes (I couldn't raise my head off the pillow without getting sick). He returned from the playground Tuesday afternoon with bad news: Wes had throw up everywhere.
We got better one by one; it took Wes the longest to recover. As of 8:30 pm tonight, he hadn't throw up all day, the first time in a week that he made it through the day without vomiting at least once. We took him to the doctor yesterday, who took a good look and told us that the bug was just taking a while to get out of his system, which at least made us feel better.
And everyone at that fun dinner on Sunday night? Every single one got sick. This is one nasty bug and I hope it's gone for good!
I have lots of blogging to catch up on; Wes is making us laugh every day, even when he's feeling awful.
More to come soon, promise!