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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aldersgate Preschool Dedication...and the saddest little face ever.

You just have to love this picture of Wes.

His preschool dedication was Sunday at Aldersgate Methodist, and the children of the preschool sang songs in front of the whole congregation.  This kind of stuff makes my heart palpitate, and I'm 30.  So I had no idea what to expect from a slightly shy two-year-old that's just like me.

We sat down at church and Wes was a little wiggly, but good.  I loved seeing him get excited to see his friends and wave.  The threes class sang first and did a great job.  They stepped aside and the twos class was called up.  I watched in shock as Wes climbed down from the pew and walked up to the front of the church all by himself (I was sure I would have to take him up there).  All the little boys went up and took their places at the church - they certainly had practiced.  When they started Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the boy beside Wes belted it out in a scream...and that's when Wes lost it.  His face turned all red, the lower lip puckered out, and he did his silent cry....the one that means, "Hey.  I'm really upset here."'

Thankfully, the lovely Ms Julie swept him right up in her arms and he made it through the rest of the song and the next one.  I met him at the back of the aisle when it was over, his face streaked with tears, and swept him up in a big hug.  I told him how proud I was of him, just for making it up to the front of the church.  And I really meant it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It wasn't the loud kid or being in front of the church that made Wes cry. He is crying because of the sweater vest he had to wear. I'd cry too buddy.